Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sho Hal Eyam

Really a great concert, ra7at 3alli ma ijo, coz the band announced that they wont perform on a theater anymore, at least for the remainder of this season.


Anonymous said...

Hi Amjad,
I do appreciate if u can post about such events before hand so we can know about it and attend, sometime, we just get so indulged in our work that we forget to follow up with such events...
Tahnk u

Unknown said...

maho I used to do it, but it seems alot of people already post about it,

this is my favorite one:

but inshalla I'll posting about Sho Hal Eyam band and other stuff :)
thx for commenting :D

Anonymous said...

too bad you missed it, any way you could always join us in the streets :)
Thanks for the photos

Anonymous said...

I came across this blog randomly.

This anti corruption event seems cool, I like their ad too!

mohammad alQaq said...

i was out of town, and i really wanted to go.
what caught my mind is "shabab ded el fasad" !!! i couldn't find enough info about them! what are they do exactly?

Unknown said...

Ace Maxs made from 100% natural ingredients that is made from a blend of mangosteen rind and juice soursop leaves.
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