Monday, June 27, 2011

الايتام في الأردن - Orphans Situation in Jordan

 مشكلة الايتام في مجتمعنا الأردني مشكلة قديمة لاتزال الى يومنا هذا تحمل في طياتها الكثير من البؤس و الشقاء، أشارككم بهذا الفيلم الوثائقي اللذي يظهر جوانب من حقيقة المعاناة لبعض من اخواننا الأردنين اللذي ليس لهم ذنب سوى أنهم ولدو في مجتع تحكمه العشيرة، و تجربتهم في بيوت الأيتام المليئة بالأهمال والإساءات الجنسية، و سر الرقم الوطني "000" اللذي يشير الى الإخوان مجهولي النسب.

و يمكن الاتصال بهم على الرقم :
+962 (0) 787435701

ID:000 is an 18 minute short film about graduate orphans in Amman. The film draws its name from the national security code given those with no family in Jordan, in a society where the family is the central social unit, and family name an intrinsic element of identity -- as well as authority, power and honor

ID000 won first place in the Franco-Arab Film Festival. The film was put together by SAE students (Widad Shafago, David Deir and Yazan Hazeem). They chose their theme wisely and executed with verve.

We would like to thank Sakeena for providing us with the opportunity to learn about the situation of orphans in Jordan. As Sakeena's motto says, "Orphans complete the family." Sakeena's vision is to empower all orphans to enjoy life as an equal member of society. For more information, please see their facebook page: sakeenaorphans 
or call +962 (0) 787435701.

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