عزيزي amjad:
بعد التجربة.. أثبت موقع المنار أنه أسرع وأسهل وسيلة للبحث عن عمل ، آلاف الفرص تدرج أمامك في وقت قياسي.. ادخل، اختر وارتقِ بعملك إلى وظيفة أفضل، ومـجـــانـــــاً.
This was sent to me by email yesterday by Almanar job site, reading this made me feel "Yah right" and they kept on sending the same crap email over and over, so i sent them not to send me anything, yet this morning i found it twice in my email ... sho ya3ni JAKARA el sha3'leh ?
tab hayyo sar halla2 Spam email and it wont ever bother me again,
come on ya3ni, they have a crappy looking site, hard to navigate, not completely functional when using Firefox, i remember having a crappy time registering on it, and on top of that they send annoying messages, I don't know about you reader but I'm hanging on to theses sites:
and although akhtaboot is still a new one, the look and feel and the excellence of its design makes u see that its heading towards Professionalism.
Jobsclub is kinda my favorite coz i can see the latest stuff with just one click.
message to Almanar site, grow some advertising manners when handling ur users, and for god sake... make your site more user friendly, spamming emails attracts no one.
tab hayyo sar halla2 Spam email and it wont ever bother me again,
come on ya3ni, they have a crappy looking site, hard to navigate, not completely functional when using Firefox, i remember having a crappy time registering on it, and on top of that they send annoying messages, I don't know about you reader but I'm hanging on to theses sites:
and although akhtaboot is still a new one, the look and feel and the excellence of its design makes u see that its heading towards Professionalism.
Jobsclub is kinda my favorite coz i can see the latest stuff with just one click.
message to Almanar site, grow some advertising manners when handling ur users, and for god sake... make your site more user friendly, spamming emails attracts no one.