On Thursday's night I was our with my friend in this place called "Al Fishawi Cafe" when suddenly we heard 2 simultaneous shoots, at first we thought that it was probably fireworks or a car muzzle , but suddenly people outside the cafe started to gather on the street, I immediately rushed out and saw TWO buddies lying on the street with gun shoot wounds in mid sections of their bodies, in the crowds there were at least 4 undercover officers requesting backups and ambulances to move the wounded, then my friend and i decided that it would best if we leave the scene and let the police do their work.
off course I couldn't use a camera but i managed to snag a couple of pics with my mobile while we were leaving.
one one the the guys shoot was Lieutenant"Enad M Al Ne3eemat", he was announced deceased.
I didn't want to post this topic coz its horrible to share but this morning while cruising the news websites i read the the killer was apprehended and you can read the details on Amman net
My god bless you Lieutenant and surround you with his mercy.